2020 TN State Rally
Vendor Information and Forms
Down on the Farm
June 11 - 14, 2020
Early Days June 8 - 10
James E. Ward Agricultural Center
Wilson County Fairgrounds
945 E. Baddour Pkwy
Lebanon, TN 37087
Vendor Hours : 9am - 4pm
June 11 - 13
rally background
The 2020 TN State Rally, Down on the Farm, will be held at the James E. Ward Agricultural Center/ Wilson County Fairgrounds. The Tennessee Good Sams Club sponsors an annual Rally for its members and surrounding States. The Rally has a target attendance of 200-300 members. This years Rally will be heavily promoted for the Vendor Area, Entertainment and Fun Activities.
forms and payment
Please read this page before using the forms
Form links are located at the bottom of this page.
important do not pay fees until you have been approved for the rally
A target of 15-20 Vendors are being accepted for space allowed. All applications will be considered until all spaces are sold. A mix of categories is established and encouraged to apply.
2020 fees are $50 per each 10 X 10 space. Five outdoor covered spaces are available with the remaining spaces located in an enclosed vendor hall. Electricity and tables are available upon request.
photos of vending display and products must accompany application
application may be submitted by e-mail or USPS
forms of payment may be made with cash, check or money order
all payments are Non-Refundable